Please consider one of three donations

  • Donate a tax deductible gift of money
  • Donate your time
  • Donate WWII Memorabilia


Gift of Money Donations

Your name will be printed in our annual reunion program and online (unless you request us not to include you) and all gifts are tax deductible.  Your name may be listed in one of these donation categories:

  • Donors                        $5 or more
  • Bronze Donors            $25 or more
  • Silver Donors              $50 or more
  • Gold Donors                $75 or more
  • Platinum Donors         $100 or more

Please visit our online store to become a donor, or

Send a check to our treasurer. Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or click here and ask for the postal address of our current treasurer.

Donate Your Time

Some of us have more time than money to donate.  We could use with many different activities including – but not limited to:

A Graphic Artist for website development
An Historian to research topics
A Writer to write historical accounts and compose material for our website and members
Anyone who could organize, date, scan, and denote WWII photos (sent to us) and prepare Word or PDF files to be posted by the webmaster

If you are willing to help, please click on Contact Us and tell us about your interest in helping.

Donate WWII Memorabilia

We will display your memorabilia at future annual reunions (pending table space availability) such as WWII photos, letters home, artifacts, and weapons.  Please ask for our postal address and instructions on how to donate memorabilia by clicking here.